My daily leadership coaching conversations reveal the common complaint by leaders that the challenges in navigating changing and difficult business conditions have an impact on the leadership state we offer…
In the modern, fast-paced business environment, we can all secretly suffer from the leadership ‘speed wobbles’. You know the feeling - you’re peddling fast and suddenly, what felt exhilarating a…
If there’s one thing that will kill the leadership mojo of a new manager quicker than the blink of an eye, it’s getting bogged down in the day-to-day details, instead…
Are you a leader who really feels the pressure in a demanding or unstable business environment, or do you remain steady in the face of challenges? Business requires an 'unconditional…
Being a mother and being a leader are pretty much the same thing. As Mother’s Day approaches, it occurs to me that all the essential skills – including every last…
As I’m kicking back watching the Commonwealth Games, I quickly identify with my favourite athletes and instinctively turn away from those with the big egos or unsportsmanlike approaches to competition.…
When we think about our heroes it’s easy and natural to refer to our service men and women, humanitarian campaigners or even the classic comic book legends. The interesting thing…
When I look back on my goal setting for last year, I realise something that would once have sent me into a spectacular tail-spin. I didn't achieve a single goal…
Before you read this, it’s my duty to issue you with a stern warning. If you read this article, you might decide to quit your job. So… consider yourself warned,…
Once a year in November, we all wag work a Tuesday afternoon to watch 24 horses gallop at full speed for roughly 3 minutes. The race that quite literally stops…
At Equenti, our approach and our purpose is to get you back on your self-awareness journey and give you the tools, strategies and resources to lead your team. So you can BE a great leader, rather than just DO management stuff.