When we think about our heroes it’s easy and natural to refer to our service men and women, humanitarian campaigners or even the classic comic book legends. The interesting thing…
When I look back on my goal setting for last year, I realise something that would once have sent me into a spectacular tail-spin. I didn't achieve a single goal…
Before you read this, it’s my duty to issue you with a stern warning. If you read this article, you might decide to quit your job. So… consider yourself warned,…
Once a year in November, we all wag work a Tuesday afternoon to watch 24 horses gallop at full speed for roughly 3 minutes. The race that quite literally stops…
It’s 5.30am on a Tuesday morning and I’m rather red-faced, having a quiet, semi-composed cry in the gym. And it wasn’t because I’d pumped out too many squats. I was…
If you’ve ever been promoted from within your team, you’ll know that this life 'gift' can bring some tricky challenges. Interestingly though, the biggest battles are the ones you have…
This week, my horse Big Red has reminded me about what it takes to be a leader, not a rescuer… Let me explain. Right now I’m working towards a very challenging but worthy…
Lately, I’ve been worried. As I work with clients and stand back to notice the overall trends in workload, expectations and engagement, I notice that we seem to be losing…
As leaders our performance is continually under the spotlight – we get judged by others, for better or worse – EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. We’re assessed by our boards, bosses, teams and…
At Equenti, our approach and our purpose is to get you back on your self-awareness journey and give you the tools, strategies and resources to lead your team. So you can BE a great leader, rather than just DO management stuff.